Projekt angličtináře Harajdy pokračuje, tentokrát odpovídá Alden Mohacsi!

V rámci série videí s rodilými mluvčími, si dovolujeme zveřejnit další v pořadí. Tentokrát nám na stejné otázky odpovídá mladý a velmi šikovný Američan Alden Mohacsi, který momentálně vyučuje angličtinu v Maďarsku. Alden působil na naší škole v loňském školním roce v rámci Fulbright nadace, jako asistent učitele. Máte tedy možnost porovnat reakce dvou Američanů na stejné téma, rozšířit si obzory a procvičit si tak Vaše jazykové dovednosti.

Zde naleznete otázky.

  1. What’s happening in California ?
  2. Are there still protests of BLM going on these days?
  3. Are you happy with the new president or would you like someone else?
  4. What is your oppinion on black lives matters?
  5. I would like to know  if the situation in America is same as they are saying in the News? If they exaggerate some things, because it is a normal thing in the News here.
  6. How much do political issues influence your daily life?
  7. How much did the media exaggerate the situation about the elections ?
  8. How do you percieve the situation that happened in the Capitol?
  9. What would happen if Donald Trump would be found guilty and the impeachment would be right? What would it mean for Donald Trump besides not being able to be elected again?
  10. Have you personally experienced racism?
  11. What’s your opinion on Trump? Or on other politicians’ choices? Is it true according to you that the American dream is „dying“ and America is changing?
  12. How can Trump have so many supporters and voters when he seems to be a dictator?? At least that is what it looks like over here in Europe.
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